This-Ability Allotment

This-Ability Allotment

This-Ability Allotment

After lots of very hard work from the staff and learners on the programme, on Wednesday 9th March 2022, the team officially opened the This-Ability Allotment.

As part of the This-Ability programme, learners will now have the opportunity to get involved at the allotment and get their hands dirty, by helping to maintain the plot and growing a range of fruits, vegetables and herbs.

The This-Ability Mentors have developed sessions around the allotment to enable learners to build up their confidence, resilience and problem-solving skills whilst working on the plot. This is a great way to encourage learning outside of the classroom and get learners involved with activities that they may not have the chance to experience in everyday life.

We believe that allotment gardening is a very rewarding pastime and can contribute greatly to the quality of people’s lives both mentally and physically. Gardening on allotments can improve general health, promote social contact and provides opportunities for physical activity,
all of which promote mental well-being. As well as this, we believe that
learning should be fun.


Our allotment is accessible to all, we have a large open space with lots of room for wheelchair users to easily get around, as well as raised beds to help our leaners to be much more comfortable when gardening.
Accessible toilets are also available on the allotment site.